Monday, July 8, 2013

Owners Association Meeting


Our next Owners Association meeting is on Saturday, July 13th @ 10AM.  If you would like to be put on a distribution list for information and updates, please contact me via email or post your email below. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


To The Residents of Don Pedro Reference to the Proposed Fine Schedule

As a community, many of us spend a lot of time and money attempting to keep our property in good condition.  However, over the years, there have been instances where some home owners have neglected their property with garbage, clutter or other nuisances.  Simply put, some residents just do not keep the property in presentable condition. As a community, we all have to live together and, although there are few exceptions where it may seem to be an impossible situation, most of us want to get along in a cordial and pleasant manner.  It is also common knowledge that many Owners Associations tend to be rigid and overbearing....often with rules that defy logic.  Therefore, it is easy to understand the concern that many of our residents feel.

However, in our community, while most of us try to enjoy the peace and solitude of the area, we must also keep in mind that there are valid concerns that need to be addressed.  This upcoming fine proposal will not interfere with the peace and solitude of the area....but is intended solely to keep the area in a manner where all members can enjoy it.  It certainly is not intended to be  heavy handed..... as I have read in some of the information that has been posted around the community. .

Please understand that our goal is not to drive around the community looking for problems. We are not going to hunt down violations, take your first born child ....or needlessly harass residents about potential violations.  As community members ourselves, we do not wish any negative ill will on any of our neighbors and friends. This fine schedule will not change what we currently have in place....but will only change the manner in which it is enforced. In fact, it is doubtful that many of you will even notice a difference.

My reasons for writing this is my concern of  the rumors and comments in relation to this fine schedule.  Much of it appears to be serving no purpose but to create hysteria and unnecessary stress among the residents. As I recently read in one rebuttal, please understand that we will not be intentionally looking for exposed fuel tanks, garbage receptacles, obnoxious odors, or  motor vehicles on the streets.  However, if complaints are made as a result of junked vehicles, trash around the properties, and dangerous situations, it is the obligation of our community to ensure that these items are taken care of properly. That obligation has always been in place and the fine schedule does not change that.

Please read the italicized rebuttal paragraph posted on a an opponent of the fine schedule.  That person was attempting to point out reasons why we DONT want it.......stating that this is one way in which it will have an impact on us......................

Dumping or burning of trash. 
No trash, ashes, garbage or other refuse shall be dumped or stored on any lot nor be thrown into or left on the shoreline of any lake in the Subdivision. No outside burning of trash or garbage shall be permitted

First, let me comment.............I would hope that there is no one in this community that would like to see trash dumped to the shoreline of any lake.....or stored on a lot.   That is exactly what many of us are trying to avoid.  If that is a point to prove the inappropriateness of the fine schedule, it proves nothing other than to validate why we need this.  Also, as stated above, the fine schedule DOE NOT change what we already have in place....but only gives us the ability to enforce it.

It should also be noted that the fine schedule will not decrease property values as has been a concern.. Property values decrease for a large number of reasons......and fine schedules are not at the top of the list.  When a buyer looks for a property, many of them DO NOT like living in an HOA or POA anyway.   The fact that we live in a Planned Unit Development with an Owners Association is a deterrent for many people.....and that is a standard attitude of people  toward any Owners Associations.  However, it is not specific only to the Don Pedro Owners Association..  What will bring values down is debris, clutter and the lack of following guidelines that are meant to keep the community clean and attractive. When appraisals are completed, the appraiser looks at everything....neighborhood, condition of house, size, lot size, etc  The final appraised value is what determines property values of surrounding homes.  If we keep our properties in average condition without clutter, debris, filth and waste, our values tend to go up....and much of that also depends on the economy.  As a Realtor, I often complete property evaluations on homes (for banks and private owners) .....and a fine schedule, or lack of, is not a consideration in the final determination of value..

I have also heard that this will create an issue where neighbors will be turning in retaliation for some sort of personal war between them.  Please understand that anyone can turn their neighbors in for violations at any time.....despite a fine schedule or not.  Just as it always has been, the complaint will be reviewed and dealt with in the standard procedure as has always been in place.  The only difference a fine schedule will have on the property owner is the sudden sense of motivation to correct the issue, if a potential fine is imposed.  No one will randomly go out and impose a fine without allowing the property owner to present his that others can understand the true nature of the issue.  Any retaliatory intentions by a third party, can and will be addressed prior to imposing a fine.

Further, as many of us know, there are a lot of retired people and people with disabilities in the area.  Quite often, those people are incapable of correcting a problem....and may not even understand who to turn to so that it can be corrected.   It is no ones intention to add undue stress on someone in that situation. In such situations, there are exceptions and there are remedies.  Often, these types of situations can be  learning moments for our that we can better understand the needs of some of our residents.  In other words, with volunteer help, referrals to various programs, and awareness, ...we will find a way to assist these people.... possibly putting them in a "win-win" situation..   It is very important that we understand the various needs of many of our residents....and we must all be aware of that.

In summary, if the fine schedule is imposed, many of us probably will not even know the difference.   Most people don't even know they are in violation and sometimes a simple reminder is all that it takes.  The current propaganda on this fine schedule is non productive and unnecessary.  It is misinforming our residents with bad or inaccurate information.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any one of your board members/directors to discuss it.   We will certainly listen to your concerns and answer any questions that you may have. 
Thank you,
Julie Limbocker
Director, LDPOA




SPEAKERS:  Merlin Jones and John Gray, County Supervisors
                       Doug Binnewies and Jim Mele, Mariposa and Tuolumne County Sheriffs Office
                       Jim Wilson, Fire Chief
                       Ralph Felix, LPDCSD General Manager
                       **and many others



Golden Lakes Charter School will present their Spring Music Concert on Thursday,  May 23rd.
Grades K-12 will perform at the Lake Don Pedro Home Owners Hacienda (5182 Fuentes de Flores La Grange, CA) at 6:30pm. You will not be disappointed in the K-5 musical performance of "Biomes".  This spirited musical is full of fun songs and witty dialogue.  The GLCS Choir will be performing classical to modern pieces with a show choir flare (The Choir will also be performing on May 17 at local retirement homes).  Last but not least, the keyboarding class will be performing pieces they have learned this semester.  Don't miss a night of fun and a chance to support your local school.

For more information, contact Juliane Berger, Music Director, at (209) 853-2132.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

La Grange @ Golden Lakes Charter
  • Host:     Golden Lakes Charter School
  • When:   Saturday, April 20 at 6:00 PM
  • Where:  LDPOA Hacienda, 5182 Fuentes de Flores 
Please join Golden Lakes Charter for their annual Tacos and Talent night. The night will feature a taco dinner (provided by JNT Caterers) and a talent show featuring acts by Golden Lakes Charter School's students. 
  •   Show only - $5
  •   Dinner and show - $8
  •   Dinner and show for couple - $15
  •   For each family member past a couple - +$5
Contact Tori Dubuque at
or contact Golden Lakes Charter School @ 853-2180

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thank You

Thank you  to everyone in the community who attended the yard sale on Saturday.  I (we....Mary Garcia and I)  enjoyed meeting everyone and placing the face with the name.  I enjoyed having the opportunity to meet and talk with everyone....and hope all of you enjoyed the event.  Please send any and all feedback or suggestions to me at  

With that said, please mark your calendars for May 14th......NIGHT TO UNITE TOWN HALL MEETING.  More information to follow...?